Alberto Zampieri – TANGENZE

On the occasion of the 5th Open Studio in Banchina Molini 14, Marghera, Alberto Zampieri invited 13 visual artists in his atelier for an event titled “Surrealist Events”.
It was the 21st of September 2013 when Alberto Zampieri, Marjoaine Uscotti for dance, Giovanni Montalto and Alessio Rossato for the music, Constance Degani for scenic design and Veronica Candreva for the video documentation, all together realized “TANGENZE”.
This artistic product is based on a pre-existing concept, it is completely made of dance improvisation.
An inside-outside the canvas between Uscotti and Zampieri, with Montalto playing the trumpet on the edge of it, on the songs of Giovanni Sollima “Terra-Aria” and “Aquilarco”.
In “TANGENZE” the artist experiences the hellish vision of the Devil, personified by Montalto and his painted face.

Alberto Zampieri is deeply grateful to the artists involved in that project, to the people who have contributed to the success of it and to Casa Musicale Sonzogno of Milan, for the music by Giovanni Sollima.

Alberto Zampieri – INTERSECTIONS

The video “Intersections” is a new interpretation of “TANGENZE”.
The artwork was meant to be a tool for introspection with the aim to trigger a spiritual revolution in the viewer.
Is’s a source for studying the consciousness and a way to value coincidences-tangencies-contingencies and Hell.
“Intersections” was not conceived to be a new way to present the artwork “Tangenze”, but a way to live it trough auditory memories.
In this video it is also introduced the work on the lighting, especially through the filming of “Surrealight”: the Light is an aesthetic source absorbed and reflected by the artist .
This new element of Light that passes through transparent glass, ​​becomes a new value to explore the associations between colors and emotions.
The deafening sound of the MRI (magnetic resonance) accentuates the severity and crudity of the auditory experience as a transitional element for overcoming harshness; moreover the bird mask worn by Costanza Degani is the symbol of a new vision, the starting point for “Visioni dall’Alto”.

Alberto Zampieri – ENCHANTED LAGOON

The performance, filmed inside the ancient Venetian palace of Cà Pier, tells of a dance of six fairies.
They move between seaweed, sea horses, crustaceans and mollusks typical of the Venetian Lagoon, reciting dialogues in dialect and quotes.
The six fairies are subsequently pushed by the artist to find themselves within a space represented by the painted canvas: without any reference, each of the fairies can choose a place to dip the brush into color. These six points are influenced by the experimental music of Manuel Oniricam and by the sounds of  trumpet and flugelhorn by Giovanni Montalto.
It’s a very impressive performance, sweet and salty like the water of the Venetian Lagoon. This is why it’s called “Enchanted Lagoon”.